Breadth! Breadth! Breadth! The main idea is to open your mind and broaden your scope of knowledge. Creativity is a by-product of breadth. 10 × more than depth. Pulling ideas from arenas brand new to you and translating them into your sphere of interest is key. (This is not a mechanical act. I’m talking about subconscious novel connections that sneak in when you are, say, dealing with thorny issues.)

Read fiction. Fiction is all about people and relationships. This and that cause your mind to expand and productively wander in ways that are invaluable, but of which you are unaware. Subliminal impact. Your mind is broadened. And somehow or other, the new things you’ve been examining in your reading sneak into your way of being and impact your practical, and long-term strategic, actions.

— Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism by Tom Peters