
  • By considering design decisions hierarchically, exploration becomes a process of choosing which fork in the road to take as each decision is encountered. Typically, a sequential decision strategy is a heuristic approach—it is a rule of thumb that does not guarantee that the best alternative is found on the first pass. One cannot typically know that there is not a better design down some path that was not taken. As a result, most designers will explore several paths, may backtrack, and may explore several different sequences of decisions. Nevertheless, a collection of promising designs can usually be generated relatively efficiently by considering decisions hierarchically.

    — Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society by Karl Ulrich

  • The real world is infinitely complex, and so any symbolic representation must necessarily omit certain attributes of artifacts. A good representation is one that suppresses detail that is irrelevant to the task of exploring the space of possible designs, yet makes explicit those attributes that have a large impact on the quality of an eventual artifact produced from the design.

    — Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society by Karl Ulrich

  • The “what” of service design may seem like the job of managers, not designers. But the “how” is different. And further, the approaches, methods, and skills required to do it (the “how”) in fact turn the “what” into something different. The work that managers see as analytical and abstracted becomes generative and materialized. The disconnected stuff of organizational life becomes connected and a shared matter of concern.

    Organizations are revealed as dynamically constituted in the multiple interactions between people and things and other people, in many places, over time.

    — Service Design: From Insight to Implementation by Andy Polaine, Lavrans Løvlie, et al.

  • In this world, design is less and less focused on the creation of a single perfect artifact and is increasingly a puzzle requiring creative problem-solving and analytical judgment about product architecture, production process technology, supply chain structure, and market strategy.

    — Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society by Karl Ulrich

  • The fundamental thing that I wish I’d known, is I underestimated the importance of simplicity and design. The first couple of years I really didn’t feel that, I didn’t have a good enough appreciation that the most important thing for consumer-facing software was that it was beautiful and simple, and people immediately and intuitively understood how to use it.

    It really wasn’t about making it more powerful, it was about making it more natural. I think I’ve only internalized that in the past couple of years and it’ll take another lifetime to really master it.

    — Startup Growth Engines: Case Studies of How Today’s Most Successful Startups Unlock Extraordinary Growth by Sean Ellis, Morgan Brown

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