
  • Iterate

    Live long and prosper, said Sojuku as he stepped out of the meeting room.

    Peace and long life, I replied. Sojuku is a big fan of Star Trek. I could care less about Star Trek, but anything to make the man smile and continue feeling good about the work he puts in to enable our customers to share data about their lives and commerce.

    “Another shot of whiskey before you hit the streets?”

    “Yeah, why not!”

    I like the view from here. Our office overlooks the ocean, and we were fortunate to get a beautiful view of it right at the corner of the building. When we found out that we were going to be getting this space, we decided that we will make all the outer walls of our offices and meeting rooms transparent, with one wall in every room painted with ideapaint™. We planned for these brainstorming sessions, and it was a great idea. The next wow moment can happen in any space.

    Sojuku is not a fan of the long road trips that we make to the hinterlands to engage with the people who are starting to share their data on our platform. Getting people who never used computers to start sharing data about how they transact business is challenging, and Kutoka insists that we create interfaces that are natural to them with rugged solar-powered hardware, while we see the ones among them who naturally transition to ubiquitous interfaces like mobile phones, then encourage them with funding and mainstream consumer devices.

    “The only way that we can design interfaces that they will actually want to use is to spend time with them while they transact business; building trust, while we understand the kind of hardware and interfaces that will work for them through observation.” says Kutoka. He is very altruistic. Meluna thinks that we will never get some of these people to use electronic devices. “They don’t trust the banks enough to put their money in there. How can we get them to trust us enough to tell us how they are spending it?” she says.

    Kutoka thinks all of them eventually will, and if we don’t figure out how to make them, someone else will.

    I’m in the middle. I think for the foreseeable future, there will be early adopters who are the proxies for the ones who refuse to adjust. In open markets, they might work for multiple shop owners, helping them to maintain their inventory and record sales for a nominal fee. These are the people who will need to build trust, encouraged by the referral fees that they earn. It will be messy in the beginning, but once the benefits of predictable sales and new financial services that they have access to by sharing data about their commerce starts to become obvious, they will learn how to do it themselves.

    Mobile phones are promising as a portal into the world of more structured data sharing. For now, most people in the markets that we have explored just know how to call and text. Sojuku is working on machine learning models through text messaging as an interface for inventory and bookkeeping. For now, it’s too messy for production and for the demographic that we’re looking at. People need a guided interface that’s friendly, natural, and also provides strict constructs for collecting data. When the constructs start to become natural to them, then text messaging and chatbots can be a usable interface.

    This makes Jakubu happy, because the cost of our hardware, in his words, might get us out of business before we collect enough data to build a network that connects our customers to each other and our own retail financial services. Getting people to use their mobile phones is the solution, but they need to have constructs for recording business transactional data in mind first before we can make this leap.

    We are going to provide shared hardware with biometrics for shop owners where they record their business transactions, verifiable through bank statements. Like ATMs, but collecting data and selling retail financial services from our partners. Our end game is to build our own financial services infrastructure. Danak has a 5-year plan in place.

    We are collecting bank statements automatically using QR codes that the shop owner scans on the hardware. Other transactions are entered manually, and Kutoka is negotiating this integration with the bank’s collective clearinghouse.

    Today’s brainstorming session was very productive. We saw a demo of the new version of the interface that we’re building for the Banetis, soon to become exporters of cattle hide after doing it locally for over 40 years. Word on the streets is that they were found through Instagram when a local fashion designer took a video of them curing the hide after drying. They just imported a machine to automate this process. We helped them source their packagers and transporters from our own directory of customers. More on this topic at our next session.

  • Talk

    We dropped our bags, five of us getting back from a trip to share our boons with the Wanukus.

    Meluna the designer, Sojuku the developer, Jakubu the technical architect, Danak the systems admin, and Kutoka the counter.

    Kutoka, being the oldest in the group, naturally feels the urge to start the conversation after a long and stressful trip.

    “So, that didn’t go as we expected, huh?” Silence.

    Meluna gasps in frustration “The Wanukus can be some of the most difficult group of people to get along with.”

    We went on a trip to the Wanukus after a long deliberation on how we can get them to spend more time sharing data on our platform.

    The Wanukus are a seasoned tribe of craftspeople. Astute at what they do, creating baskets that store fruits longer without the need for artificial preservation.

    These baskets are eclectic enough that they fit in nicely with modern decor. In fact, a niche group of piano lovers have started a trend of taking photos of their baby grands with Wanuku baskets sporting their favorite fruits.

    The Wanukus have come to be known as the best at creating these baskets, and they take a lot of pride in it. So much so that they have their customers drive for hours to get their products.

    “We need a list of each product and the quantity that they have left after each sale so that people who drive out to them know exactly what they are going to get,” said Jakubu.

    Meluna responded, “I thought I made that interface look just like their shops so that they would not be worried that this would take away from their culture.”

    “We all thought that the camera to scan their sheets was the easiest way to get the interface updated without a computer,” said Jakubu.

    Sojuku spent so much time programming the optical character recognition to make sure that all variations of their handwriting could be captured correctly.

    If they are so protective of their culture, how do we even communicate with them after they start getting questions from the interface?

    We all laughed. I had been quiet the entire trip, and I had not participated in this conversation either.

    Sojuku and Danak were at their computers, working on the next version of the interface that we were going to create for the Banetis; cattle hide traders.

    After I had listened to the entire conversation, I remembered the encounter I had with an old man at the Wanukus.

    He was sitting outside and ushered us into the shop where we met with them every day when we demonstrated the interface.

    He did not say much, but I caught him on the last day looking back at the shop owner and nodding his head in disapproval.

    We had missed an important point. The Wanukus consider their old men to be the ultimate decision-makers even though they do not craft or sell their products.

    They simply stand at the door, usher people in, and decide who the shop owners sell to and at what price with simple nods. They are always listening.

    One of the subtle best-kept secrets in their culture.

    I suggested that Meluna change the interface to have the same look as the stand that the old man uses to keep the souvenirs he shares with everyone who visits.

    He gives these souvenirs with a big smile on his face even after a scathing nod of disapproval after listening to the buyer engage with the shop owner.

    I suggested that we take one more trip to demonstrate the interface to the old man.

    The Wanukus now use our interface, and the old man uses the chatbot to let us know when their sheets are not scanning correctly.

    We have characters for his nods. A video feed when we are not understanding what is coming through the interface.

    I did not count myself, we are a group of six. I am that guy, you can call me the medium. I listen to people and interpret things. I also engage with our users and tell our stories.

    I am usually quiet until I have something to say, so you will never notice me in the group. When in action, I do many things. Mostly observe people.

    Welcome to our world.

No more stories or excerpts.