social media

  • Go out and find some real people. Listen to their stories. Don’t ask for the main point. Let the story run its course. Like flowing water, it will find its own way, at its own pace. And if you’ve got patience, you’ll learn more than you might imagine.

    —Tom Kelley, General Manager, IDEO

  • No matter what you’re after, in the internal groundswell, the secret to thriving is culture. This is not about technology implementation but about managing and changing the way organizations work, a change that needs the blessing—or, even better, the active participation—of top echelons of management. It’s nearly impossible to force social technologies on organizations from the top down, because, by their definition, these technologies require the participation of your employees.

    You can’t force them to adopt groundswell thinking, any more than you can convince reluctant managers to deploy social technologies with your customers. But it sure helps if the social technologies have an executive or two behind them.

    — Groundswell by Charlene Li, Josh Bernoff

  • Social media has transformed our world into one great big small town, dominated, as all vibrant towns used to be, by the strength of relationships, the currency of caring, and the power of word of mouth. In order to succeed now and in the future, it’s going to be imperative that we remember what worked in the past.

    — The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk

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